Community fish are peaceful species that can share an aquarium. Fish in this category include dwarf gourami, guppy, molly, platy, tetras, etc.
- Check aquarium temperature daily is possible
- Keep aquarium light on for between 8 - 12 hours everyday
- Change 25% of the water bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) and add Water Conditioner
- Change filter cartridge
- Clean tank (using only water)
- Clean gravel and tube out waste
- Clean glass inside and out
- Clean decorations
Community fish eat fish flakes and pellets. Only feed that can be consumed within 3 minutes. Supplement with frozen of dried brine shrimp or blood worms. Feed once or twice, in small doses. Remove any uneaten food to avoid buildup of ammonia.
Habitat and Environment
- 1"-2" of gravel on the bottom of the tank (Rinse gravel before adding to aquarium)
- Accessories are always welcome. You can add a variety of plants of different sizes. Artificial plants are easy to maintain. However, real plants are useful to balance certain biochemicals and nutrients. Although, real plants require some maintenance. Decorative caves and tunnels can make your fish feel safe.
- Water temperature of 25ºC - 26ºC is optimal. Check daily if possible
Behavior & Compatibility
Be aware of the different behaviors and compatibilities of different types of fish. Community fish are often good tank mates. However, there are special exceptions. Some are aggressive and need special mates. You can always contact us or come in store to ask us for more assurance.
Fish | Compatibility | Best Kept |
Guppies | Compatible & Peaceful | Multiple Pairs |
Mollies | Compatible & Peaceful | Multiple Pairs |
Swordtails | Compatible & Peaceful | Multiple Pairs |
Corydoras | Compatible & Peaceful | Groups of 3-4 |
Neon Tetras | Compatible & Peaceful | 12+ |
Cardinal Tetras | Compatible & Peaceful | 12+ |
Rummy Nose Tetras | Compatible & Peaceful | 12+ |
Rainbowfish | Compatible & Peaceful | 6+ |
Zebra Danios | Compatible & Peaceful | 6+ |
Discus | Compatible & Peaceful | 6 Juveniles or 1 Pair of Adults |
Goldfish | Compatible & Peaceful | 4-6 |
Betta (Siamese Fighter) | Compatible | Single |
Plecos | Compatible | Single |
Ramirezi | Compatible & Peaceful | One Male & Two Females |
Clown Loach | Compatible & Peaceful | 6+ |
Angelfish | Compatible & Semi Aggressive | 6 Juveniles or 1 Pair of Adults |
Tank Size
Larger aquariums are always better to have. They are easier to maintain the balance of each parameter. It is recommended to start with a 20 gallon aquarium, however, a smaller aquarium may suffice.
Recommended Equipment
- Filter
- Air Pump
- Heater
- Thermometer
- Lighting
- Gravel
In General
Keep in mind that not all fish are compatible with each other. Be sure to keep a regular schedule in feeding the fish and aquarium maintenance.
Different Types of Community Fish
- Mollies
- Plattys
- Guppies
- Swordtails
- Corydoras
- Tetras
- Rasboras
- Rainbowfish
- Danios
- Discus
- Goldfish
- Betta
- Plecos
- Catfish
- Gourami
- Ramirezi
- Clown Loaches
- Angelfish